In the Kingdom of Strandeon, it is a long-standing tradition that one man from each noble family must serve in the prestigious Order of the Royal Vine. For House Theseus, Aristit is chosen to uphold this duty. During a critical mission, however, a witch places a mysterious curse on Aristit, foretelling the loss of something precious. The members of the order believe this curse transforms Aristit into a woman, but they are unaware of a deeper truth—Aristit, whose true name is Ariel, has been a woman all along. The curse merely stripped her of the special medicine she used to disguise her voice. Now, with the support of her trusted friends and cousin, Ariel must navigate the dangerous waters of deception and protect her secret. Yet someone within the order is relentlessly determined to uncover the truth and bring her to ruin. is a dedicated platform for anime enthusiasts, gamers, cosplayers, and lovers of all things anime. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of anime-related content, from memes and recommendations to reviews, manga suggestions, fanfiction, and favorite quotes. Dive into the world of anime memes and much more. You can read manga online for free, with hourly updates, high-quality visuals, and full English translations. Discover free translations of your favorite series and stay up to date with the latest releases, all available now on