One day Enoch, a priest, encounters a demon in the form of his dead lover. He is easily tricked by the demon who chases him by pretending to be his lover. Late at night, the demon appears in front of Enoch, who confesses his sins and tempts him.
- Chapter 8 - [Warning 21+ full HD] The end April 7, 2023
- Chapter 7 - [Warning 21+ full HD] April 7, 2023
- Chapter 6 - [Warning 21+ full HD] April 6, 2023
- Chapter 5 - [Warning 21+ full HD] April 6, 2023
- Chapter 4 - [Warning 21+ full HD] April 5, 2023
- Chapter 3 - [Warning 21+ full HD] April 5, 2023
- Chapter 2 - [Warning 18+] April 5, 2023
- Chapter 1 April 5, 2023