Min Ji Wook, a poor student, is accepted into Daehan High School, the country’s most prestigious high school for youngsters from wealthy households. What is his primary objective? Escape poverty by graduating with the highest grade in high school and enrolling in a prestigious university. To do so, he decides to concentrate on his academics, but it’s not an easy road when he meets Joo Seung Eon, the youngest son of JS Group, Korea’s largest conglomerate, who wounds Ji Wook’s pride at every opportunity. And Ilkang Group’s eldest son, Kwon Hyung Seo, greets Ji Wook with a friendly demeanor but occasionally displays a strange mysteriousness. Ji Wook’s life is turned upside down when both women express interest in him… Is he going to be able to live the life he desires?
is the person still updatingggg?
Uma história linda o Jinwook foi maduro em tomar essa decisão