Ji-hwan Kang, a troubled teen forced to switch schools after a gang fight, finds himself struggling with his studies. Desperate, he seeks help from Yu-seong Han, the class’s top student. But things take an unexpected turn when Ji-hwan accidentally rips Yu-seong’s uniform, revealing something shocking—a fierce tiger tattoo on the back of this so-called model student! Sensing an opportunity, Ji-hwan strikes a deal: he’ll keep Yu-seong’s secret if Yu-seong agrees to tutor him. But Yu-seong has his own plan, getting dangerously close to Ji-hwan, trying to push him away. Will Ji-hwan back down, or is he in for more than he bargained for?
Love this! Love how they are both unaware of how much they like each other, and the comedy is great, so funny!
Looking forward to the next chapter!
9 👈👈🙏🙏😔😔
Will there be more chapters?